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April 2013 Newsletter: Questions & Answers

Featured Questions & Answers

Is church attendance necessary for believers of the End-Time Message?


Tomorrow, all you visiting people that are here in the city, that's from out of town, and is going to stay with us for tomorrow's services, find your place in one of these fine churches here, these ministers here. I think this is the ministerial row, the best that I know. And these are ministers that has churches throughout the country here. They'd be very happy to have you as their guests tomorrow at their church. All the ministers that's around and close here, would you stand up to your feet so the audience can, they have never, if you will. That's right. That's just so they can see where you're from. And all the cooperating ministers, would you stand to your feet, that the people might know who you people are here, that's brought us here to this city. The Lord bless you. And now, if you're here, you go to their meeting. They'd be very happy to have you.” [Faith, Harrisonburg, Virginia, 58-0315]

“Tomorrow is the sabbath, and there's fine ministers here that believe in this type of ministry. They're sponsoring, cooperating in this meeting. And they'd be very happy to have you in their churches. And I say that I would that you would attend some of these good churches, tomorrow, if you are here visiting. I'm sure you'll have a warm welcome.” [Mighty Conqueror, Middletown, Ohio 58-0329]

“What we really ought to go to church, was-was to find Christ. Let's go to church to worship, till you can expel all your guilt and shame, and throw all the world and its gloom out of your heart; and let Christ come in, God's satisfying portion, then you'll have Eternal Life.” [Thirsting For Life 59-0414, Los Angeles, California]

“I was so happy after I got home last night to find out that there was so many come and got saved. That's what we are here for, mainly, is to get sinners saved. And I'd like to say to those young newborn Christians, tonight, you find you a good church somewhere that preaches the-the full Gospel, that believes in Divine healing, and believes in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. And there you find you a good church of your choice, and then settle down there and be a real servant to Christ. Tell the pastor you got saved over here, and he will be glad to receive you into his fellowship of the saints. And that's the way you-you grow in the statue of Christ, is to have fellowship with all the saints of the living God.” [As IThought On My Way, Chatauqua, Ohio, 59-0814]

“If you're not a-a member of some church that's full Gospel in the nature, we would ask you, if you love the type of service where the Holy Spirit comes in and moves, look at these ministers here, they-they live all through this country here, and they'll... (Thank you, sister.) They'll-they'll be glad to have you in their church. Now, I want to say this, that every person that's been converted this week, every person that's been converted here this week, now, look at this bunch of ministers, they-they stand for the same thing that I do. We haven't one difference at all. We're absolutely the same. We believe in the full Gospel, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, all these things. All these ministers here, we're all just exactly the same. And we want you to join their church so you can continue on. Now, they are the...The good Samaritan has come by, poured oil in the wound. But He's took you now, and He wants you to go to one of the inns here, the closest to you. He's done paid the pastor to take care of you, so he's paid.

He received the Holy Ghost, got blessings of God, and health, and revelation, he can just feed your soul. So you come now and join one of the CHURCHES, and it'll-it'll be the best thing that you can do to keep your spirit fed and moving on.” [Let Us See God, San Jose, California, 59-1129]

“A lot of you Pentecostal ministers here, older than I, years ago, was out here on the street preaching, when the persecution was hard. You were paving the way that I'm running over. You were telling the people that these things would happen. You had to cut through all kinds of bushes and things, over all kind of rock piles. See? I'm just a baby. And you're the ones, you're the brethren who's-who's brought this. You're the brothers and sisters that done these things. See? You only spoke it to the people, and told them that it would come. You laid the foundation. One is a...lays a foundation; the other one is a carpenter; one is a plumber; one is an electrician. The HOUSE of God is being erected. See? And now as we go on, and each one has his place. And now we-we want you people to honor and respect our brethren and these CHURCHES.” [Let Us See God, San Jose, California, 59-1129]

“I guess the ministers has announced their services tomorrow at-at the different places. And-and you are strangers here, some of you from out of the city. Why, we'd certainly-in any of these churches you can find a place to worship there, the faith of your choice, and we'd be glad if you'd attend the services of some of these brethren here. The CHURCHES, any CHURCHES that you want to go to, from other towns where you're from, someone can tell you where your church is located." [Be Not Afraid It Is I, Phoenix, Arizona, 60-0305]

“We'll be very happy now to have you in if you have no church to go to. But if you have your own pastor and church, then you-you attend your precious church to where you support. If you, that have to go, and are going to leave at this time, God bless you.” [Rejected King, Jeffersonville, Indiana, 60-0515m]

“You visitors here, in the morning, find you one of these fine CHURCHES here in the-the valley and attend it, wherever you see a good church, a church of your choice. The ministers, I guess has already been introduced and so forth and told where they are from. Attend some of those CHURCHES in the morning. And then-and help them, because they are dismissing their services, many of them tomorrow night, to attend the-this service here. God bless you, my brethren; that's a gallant thing. That's fine cooperation. I appreciate it. It's such things as that, that brings to a man's heart and makes him want to return again, somehow to have fellowship. I trust that there'll be souls saved, that your CHURCHES will prosper. And whatever desire you have in your heart, may God grant it to you, you and your fine people that's give us this fine cooperation during these hot nights of this revival.” [Speak To The Rock, Lakeport, California, 60-0723]

“If there's some ministers here, of the locality here, that knows these people, I want you to come forward now, any minister that's in the locality...?...People. Come up and give them the right hand of fellowship, and take them to your church and carry out the prescription that was given in the Bible for them. Is there a pastor here? [More text.] As you return now to your home, will you go to a nice church and tell the pastor you got saved?" [Unchangeable Word Of God, Lakeport, California, 60-0724]

[Answers provided by Bro. Ken Andes, Minister, Lynden, Washington USA]

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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