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November 2012 Newsletter - Questions & Answers

Featured Questions & Answers

How should a believer approach ‘turning the corners’ of life?


“A little over two years ago now, I was sitting in the room. I was reading my little Scofield Bible, and I heard something. First, I saw a Light. And I thought it was an automobile that turned the corner. But It turned, but It got brighter. And I looked out the door and there was no automobile. Then I heard Something coming like this, going... [Brother Branham knocks--Ed.]... walking. And I looked, and the Light got greater. And just above me hung a great Star. And the Light was kind of a, more of a green, between green and yellow, shining on the floor. And coming walking through this Light, came a Man that looked like, as I said before, would weigh two hundred pounds, a huge Man. He did not have beard over His face, like Christ's picture does. Who He is, I do not know. But He had... [Blank spot on tape--Ed.]... shoulder. He was more of an olive complexion; He had dark eyes. He walked as close to me as the microphone is there.” [ The Angel Of God 47-1102, Phoenix, AZ]

“He put him to sleep so he would be out of the picture altogether. And we're not saved by works; it's by grace, through faith, we are saved, not one thing you can do. Not one little corner could you turn to merit anything towards your salvation; it's a free gift of God by grace. That's right. If you give me a thousand dollars, and I say, "Well, I'll straighten up your tie, sir, for that." A little thing like that, yet you never give me the thousand dollars for I did something to merit that. It's absolutely a free gift of God, that He knocks at your hearts and says, "Do you wish to have it?" That's all.” [ Jehovah-Jireh 57-0810, Edmonton, AB]

“How shall we escape, if we neglect such?" You neglect to eat, you'll die. You neglect to turn a corner, you'll wreck. You neglect to milk the cow, she'll go dry. You neglect your teeth, you'll have to have them all pulled out. Certainly. You pay for your neglection. O Branham Tabernacle and you visitors, let me tell you something now. You neglect to testify of the glory of God, you neglect to give God the praise and glory, you'll find yourself cold, formal, and backslidden, one of these days. You give God praise. "How shall we escape, if we neglect such a great salvation?” [ Hebrews 57-0825m, Jeffersonville, IN]

“As she turned the corner she seen that Light flicker again. And as she looked, when she had to pass through a little narrow place, where just one person could pass, there stood Gabriel, the Archangel. It wasn't the sun, the s-u-n, she seen reflecting. He was following her, and He met her, to where He got her in a place where she'd have to look to Him. And she looked, and He was all of a glow of light around Him. Frightened the little virgin, and no doubt she grabbed her water pot, and those big eyes stared out and looked at the Archangel. He said, "Hail, Mary," or, "stop. You're highly favored before God." Oh, I like that. That little woman in the meanest city there was in the world at that time, known the meanest city, anyhow, in Palestine... And in there she had lived such a life until God chose her for a certain work that He was going to do. There she looked into His face, and it startled her.” [ Mary's Belief 61-0121, Beaumont, TX]

“I met a brother today; had a strange feeling to turn a certain street, and go a way. I forget what the man's name was. He may be here in the meeting. Yet, if he isn't, why, God was good to him. He's a Indian, part Indian. He's from Virginia. The Holy Spirit said to me, not telling it. I had let my wife out. Said, "Go down this way and turn this corner." I went down there. Oh, it happens all the time. "Wait right here." Then I waited there a few minutes. Said, " Turn and go back up this way." And when I did, I met him. He said, "Brother Branham, I know you." Said, "I come to Jeffersonville one time, and to find you." And said I... "You was overseas." But he had been a drunk in his life. I took a hold of his hand, him not knowing what I was doing. And he had cirrhosis of the liver. While I was standing there holding his hand, the vibration left me. What? He was healed right there on the street corner today here in your city.” [Jehovah-Jireh 62-0707, Grass Valley, CA]


“I think Brother Price, this morning at the breakfast, give such a fine illustration of coming to a corner, then have to turn the corner. Did you enjoy that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Certainly did. It was very, very well placed. Now, so remember, sometimes at the corner, but let's remember we have to turn these corners. I preached on that, one time, and called it, Junctions. We hit a junction, so often, we have to go this way and around different ways.” [ The Voice Of The Sign 64-0321e, Denham Springs, LA]

We find that in each one of those ages, usually people don't want to believe It, because they're already set in their way. You're turning a corner. You're building a building. And then get to the corner, everybody is running this way, they don't want to turn that corner. But the building goes that way, if the Word says it goes that way. See? There's where we get those junctions of time. That's where it's hard. That's where men had sweat it out. Now, remember, God never changes His way of doing things; always through the Scripture, just the same.” [ Christ Is Identified The Same In All Generations 64-0415, Tampa, FL]

“The trouble of it is, today, the churches speak, look like, say, "What did Moody say? What did Sankey say?" Speak and say what God said. Let's go forward, not look back. Go this a way. It's hard on these, turning corners. Church don't want to believe that, you see. They're always referring back from where their educational standpoint. Course, that's a school, in itself. See? They learn that through book learning. We know That through experience, of trusting God, see, and knowing that He does do this.” [ A Paradox 64-0418b, Tampa, FL]

“We're not building a wall, like we start off with Luther's message, go right down a straight line, or a Pentecostal message. Right. We are turning a corners. We're building a building. God's Word is the blueprint. Anybody can run a straight line, but it takes a mason to turn the corner. It takes the power of God to do that. It takes an anointed one from Heaven, to be sent down to do that. It has, in every age. And in the prophets' age, the Word of the Lord comes through those prophets, and they turn those corners, made those difference. But the builders wanted to build a wall. It's not a wall, at all. It's a building, a building of God.” [ Birth Pains 65-0124, Phoenix, AZ]

“We're at a corner. It's easy when somebody turns a corner, of a brick mason, turns a corner. Starts, everybody laying their bricks right down the same row, like a certain denomination starts, and starts rolling down the row, it's all right. But, when you get to them turns, where you have to turn back the other way! Now, Godkk isn't building a wall. He's building a house, see, and there's many cuts and turns that He's predicted here in the Bible. And the turns, anybody could try to make a turn, but it must be according to the blueprint. If it isn't, it's got to be torn down again.” [ The Rapture 65-1204, Yuma, AZ]

“As long as you're building the wall one straight way, it's all fine, the--the bricklayers can go right down the row. But when you have to turn the corner, that's where the time... And we're not building a wall; we're building a house, you see, so these turns has to come. They come in the age of Martin Luther, John Wesley, and the Pentecostal age; it's here again. So we... It's hard to turn the corners. But I'm so thankful for... to God, even though how rough it's been, the people has responded one hundred percent. So we're very grateful, thank each one of you.” [ Leadership 65-1207, Covina, CA]

“We've turned a corner! We're looking towards Heaven, watching for the coming; the Cap on the Pyramid, as we would say, His coming back! The Church must be resurrected soon, and we must get ready. And the only way you can, is not say, "Well, I belong to the Assemblies. I belong to the Oneness, Twoness," or whatever it is, all them there, "I belong to the church of God," that don't mean a thing. "Our fathers shouted and danced," that's just perfectly all right, that was their day. But today you're confronted not with the organization that they made, but with the Life that's going on, which is Jesus Christ.” [ Leadership 65-1207, Covina, CA]

[Answers provided by Bro. Ken Andes, Minister, Lynden, Washington USA]

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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