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January 2012 Newsletter - Excerpts

This Month's Featured Email

--- Original Message ---
Date: December 2, 2011 1:45 PM
From: Bro. Brian
Subject: God's Perfect Will

Hi Bro. Robert,

Greetings in Christ and trust this message finds you very well?

I have been enjoying your LWB newsletters for over two years and I should have taken the time to write to you earlier.

I simply wanted to share with you that almost without fail when I receive your timely newsletter into my inbox it is an answer to prayer!

It amazes me over and over again how the topic and supporting quotes that have been selected from the prophet are just perfect timing to encourage me and remind me that God is still in complete control.

The topic this month of God's perfect and permissive will is always what I pray for as I seek God's wisdom in my life to make the best decisions. Oh the sowing and reaping principle is so powerful and applies to everything.

I am just so delighted with your thoughtful newsletters and you have made my day special just reading all these powerful quotes from a vindicated prophet on God's Will.

May God continue to bless you and your ministry Brother Robert, and keep you always in His perfect will!


Bro Brian

Excerpts From Guestbook, TestimonyBook & Eye Witness Accounts

January 02, 2012 - 02:25 AM David Muthuk Kumaran from India "Lord JESUS CHRIST is same yesterday, today and forever"
My parents who were unknowingly worshiped Idols which came from Heritage. In 1990 my parents came into LORD JESUS CHRIST .This happens because of miracle that GOD LORD JESUS CHRIST done to my family. All miracle that GOD done to us cannot be expressed in words or by writings, because he done lot of amazing things which is not expected and predicted .we can even write a book over this things that GOD done to us. As GOD said "that he will stand with the righteous man and deliver him from all his miserable. Now I can say the first amazing thing which makes us to believe in LORD JESUS CHRIST as GOD. My father suffered from severe ulcer so we admitted him to hospital. Doctors said that its a question for him to recover from bed whether he would be alive or not, because he cannot take even little bit Bread or Milk whatever he takes it come out instantly. At that time a preacher came to our house and he showed us the way to LORD JESUS and also he introduced us to LAST and SEVENTH PROPHET Bro. William Marrion Branham who was send by LORD JESUS CHRIST to the Gentiles .After that we believe in him and my father recovered from bed and Now he could able eat Meat, Fish food by the grace of GOD. Now We are in strong faith in GOD and we believe His Messenger Bro. William Marrion Branham as last day Elijah who cry against the sin. By the Grace and Blessing of GOD JESUS CHRIST we are now well. Expecting the second coming of JESUS CHRIST and we believe that all brothers and sisters in this message will meet in Rapture.
From: Neyveli,

LWB is dedicated to all who are looking for the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ; to you we owe credit for the materials used herein."Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."[Heb 10:25]."So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."[I Cor 3:7]
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