This Month's Featured Email
---Original Message---
From: Lanston Makuzula
Sent: Aug 11, 2009 2:47PM
Dear Brother Charlie,
I am so thankful to the Lord Jesus Christ for your consideration on my request for The Healing Thoughts. I will indeed inform you as soon as I get the book. It is my sincere prayer that it will not get lost in the post.
I am actually a pastor of a small Message Church in a remote part of Malawi, Africa. The website has been a source of inspiration to me on numerous occasions and I have no doubt that the book will be quite a blessing, not only to me but also to the little flock that the Lord has entrusted me with.
Once again, may He richly bless you as you faithfully serve Him.
Your Brother,
---Original Message---
From: John Mark Crowder
Sent: August 18, 2009 1:48AM
Thank you brothers.This book has been a blessing to my wife. I have hardly gotten a chance to look at it! From what I have seen it will be a blessing to me when I can get it away from her. I am looking forward to the William Branham Biography. God bless you.
John Mark Crowder
Excerpts From Guestbook, TestimonyBook & Eye Witness Accounts
August 30, 2009 - 05:28 PM Phyllis Jansz from Australia No one could ever be the same in their attitude to our Awesome God after reading about William Branham
August 29, 2009 - 05:06 AM Troy Glazer Lopez from Italy I thank every one that is trying to reach and conquer the hearts of the world in the name of Jesus Christ. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.
August 26, 2009 - 11:02 AM Luckmore Marayira from Zimbabwe Was so touched by the fragments I came across and thought I would need to see the whole version. Simply 'unputadownable'
August 24, 2009 - 04:26 AM Okiror Daniel from Uganda I love those books they are really so touching and I hope to have a copy of my own
August 22, 2009 - 05:38 AM Jay Ahr Denosta from Philippines I like this website I can find so many reliable sources to help my ministry. Bless the name of the Lord.
August 19, 2009 - 02:56 PM Esther Hawawu-kulu Adama from Equatorial Guinea God bless you for your efforts in sending the message across through this web site. We really appreciate it. Especially myself. It is through this web site I read messages. All the books here are in Spanish. Shalom
August 16, 2009 - 06:57 AM Gideon Odhiambo from Kenya Thank you for the opportunity to read of God's goodness through this book
August 11, 2009 - 04:10 AM Laston Makuzula from Malawi This website and the online newsletter have always been a blessing to me. Keep on the good work that you are doing.
August 10, 2009 - 08:16 AM I.chinnappan Innasumuthu from India Praise the lord brothers. Our Lord bless you more for this service to the bride of Christ. With Christian love-thank you.
August 07, 2009 - 09:10 AM Judith Victoriashoop from Suriname I'm really interested in the biography of William Branham. By reading the book I hope to understand more of his experiences with God and how he handled Gods calling in his life. Thank U
August 02, 2009 - 02:53 PM Ish Grace from United States It is a blessing that you put the audio and text of this man of God work. I am blessed and keep reading and listning to build my faith up.
August 02, 2009 - 09:34 AM Frieda Den Hartog from Netherlands Thanks for the book of healing, I really like to read it God bless Frieda
August 02, 2009 - 09:05 AM Richelle from
Philippines Hope I could always listen to the Gospel music here..