Frequently Asked Questions about the End Time Gospel FAQ
“Now, what I would think would be this, brethren, that like in the church here... Now, I--the--my ministry has, the best of my thinking, four things that can be done, and it might not be either four, but that's the only outlook I can think of. If that One that spoke to me down there on the river... If this is all that was left for the Gentile church, which we realize in Revelations it says one, two, three chapters to the church. The church goes up in the 4th chapter. It does not return any more till the 19th chapter; that's after the tribulation period when God calls out the Jews. That's right. And like Enoch, he went up before one drop of rain ever hit the earth. He was gone, then the tribulation set in. See? Noah was in the ark before any tribulation set in. Lot was out of Sodom before any tribulation set in. See? And the church will be gone before any tribulation period. Now, during the tribulation that will be, the sleeping virgin will be hunted down by the dragon (spurts "water from his mouth," which is--means "multitudes and peoples, armies") that'll search down and take this woman, REMNANT OF HER SEED, and will kill her. Now, that will be in the tribulation period, but the church will go home. Now, if--if that take--would take place tomorrow, it wouldn't hinder us from just keeping on today. Let's make today count.” [Taking Sides With Jesus, Jeff., IN, 62-0601] [Answers provided by Bro. Ken Andes, Minister/Editor, Lynden, Washington] |